Donate a smile

  • Donate a smile
  • Donate a smile
  • Donate a smile
  • Donate a smile
  • Donate a smile
  • Donate a smile
  • Donate a smile
  • Donate a smile
  • Donate a smile

“Give a Smile” is an initiative of the Foundation for Social Change and Inclusion andAvtorska Klinika Peter Duchev and aims to give an opportunity to young people who grew up in orphanages and other disadvantaged young people to have healthy teeth, to be proud of their smile and to smile more often!

The young people we help are:

  • unemployed
  • uninsured
  • with no access to health services


  • Removal of tartar and plaque
  • Training on hygiene
  • Treatment Plan


  • If you are a dentist examine one young person as a trial.
  • If you are happy, offer young people on our programme tartar/plaque removal and subsequent treatment.
  • If you are unable to join in with practical help tell a colleague who could.
  • If you are an importer or manufacturer of consumables for dentists support your colleagues by donating a service or product.

Connect with us: or +359 878 664 851


07.03.2012 The “Give a Smile” project started in Sofia; the team of “Avtorska Klinika Peter Duchev” made thorough examinations, took radiographs and removed tartar for four young people from the House of Opportunity Skravena and also taught them how to maintain hygiene.

26.03.2012 In Ruse “Dental Studio Dr Dimitrovi” made thorough check ups and removed tartar for two young people from the “House of Opportunity” Ruse.