

Tsvetan Petrov is 25 years old. He came to the House of Opportunity Scravena when he was 19 years old from an orphanage in the village of Razliv.

He doesn’t have many memories from his early childhood and he doesn’t like to talk about it so we do not ask him. We talk about the future and the small steps we make today to assure comfort in the future.

“I feel great. A very old dream of mine is coming true- I study at a university. I work in one area and study in another, this way my chances for work in the future are getting bigger.”

Tsetsi told us that it was very hard to leave the orphanage. It was very shocking for him to exit one surrounding and to enter an entirely different one. “At one moment you are surrounded by strangers who expect from you to live differently from before”.

Today Tsetsi is more confident. He has worked for 6 years at Epiq Electronics in Botevgrad, he studies Marketing and Management in Sofia and dreams of running his own business. He stayed in the House of Opportunity Programme longer than planned, so that he can afford to study. It is a great pleasure for us to help him because we believe that his story will inspire other young people to fight and succeed.

I want to be an example for the other children from the orphanages and tell them that it is great here. They have to know that this place is better than the other options which are available after leaving the orphanage”.