Kremena grew up in a state-run child institution in Ruse. She graduated high school, which is not easy for a young person who has grown up in an orphanage. Many girls leaving state-care are drawn into prostitution and human trafficking and the director of the orphanage was greatly concerned for Kremena’s future. Thankfully Kremena was able to join our House of Opportunity in Ruse.

“The team of House of Opportunity Ruse helped me realise how important education is for me”, Kremena recalls. “They were the reason I did not give up on university. They gave me hope, advice and time – I did not have a job during the first year, as I had to go to classes. After that I started combining my education with nice work as a receptionist – this is when I met a boy, who turned out to be a really nice person. We are married now and have a little baby boy – we are very happy together. I truly believe that the “House of Opportunity” Programme is very meaningful – I have experienced it. All of the young people that were part of the Ruse House received support, hope and a boost in life.”

Kremena has plans for the near future: She has one more year of studying to become a pre-school teacher and when her son turns two years old, she hopes to go back to work as a receptionist until she finds a teaching position in a kindergarten. Kremena often comes to visit the House of Opportunity and treats the young people there as her family.